Sunday, April 21, 2013

PlayStation 4 GPU Superior to Xbox 720 NVIDIA Claim's

The debate over which next-generation console to purchase just got a little more heated with NVIDIA claiming that the GPU of the PlayStation 4 is superior to that of Xbox 720.
The news comes via Mevio host Nick McCandless, who references the PlayStation 4 as beating the Xbox 720 in terms of GPU flops.
"NVIDIA and AMD have both found themselves in the eyes of much publicity regarding the hardware implemented within the PlayStation 4 and next-generation Xbox and recently NVIDIA revealed information that seems to reveal the superiority of PlayStation 4's GPU over that of the next Xbox which NVIDIA has named, Xbox 720," he said. "Contained within a graph showcasing how NVIDIA's greatest GPU on the market, the Titan, is three times the power of the PlayStation 4, the Xbox 720 is also located on the graph despite no official announcements from Microsoft. Measured in GPU flops, the graph clearly displays the PlayStation 4 being approximately 2,000 GPU flops higher than that of the Xbox 720."NVIDIA also claimed that its upcoming mobile processor Tegra 5 will outperform both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
"The PS3 and Xbox 360 are barely more powerful than mobile devices..." Senior Vice President of Content and Technology for NVIDIA Tony Tamasi said in a statement. "The next click of mobile devices will outperform [them]."
The question is if NVIDIA really knows the GPU featured in the Xbox 720 or if the graph is merely rumor-based. Though we won't know for sure until an official announcement for the Xbox 720 arrives, it seems unlikely that the statement would be untrue, given that it is coming directly from NVIDIA.

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